We are experts at assisting our clients in realizing tremendous returns on their vacant buildings, vacant land and functionally obsolete assets. We assist in converting these troubled or excess assets into revenue-producing properties through a variety of means such as best and highest use studies, gap analysis, adjacent land assemblage and acquisition, project pro-forma analysis, and broker opinion of value reports. With these studies we can assist you in determining if the property should be sold, redeveloped, reused as-is, upgraded or re-tenanted. We all know that the economy constantly changes and therefore visions, goals and needs also change. Consequently, there are times when existing locations need to change. We understand how to mitigate leasehold exposure and will consult in the repositioning of underperforming properties to their best and highest use by becoming a strategic partner in helping to dispose of underperforming retail stores, office buildings or restaurants, as well as raising capital by selling vacant or excess land and other unnecessary or underperforming assets.